You know the old Murphy's Law saying, right? "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Well, as we all know, nowhere is that more true than older boats. After the great finish to the project the other day that found the corroded contacts, the starter turned over just fine. Whew. So when I went back yesterday to do some other work, I thought I'd fire up the diesel and let her run for a little bit--- but the fuel pump had quit working. I followed the wiring from the pump around and down and found a wire that had been spliced into the harness and had a broken terminal on the other end of it. After checking the wiring diagram and seeing that it should be a ground wire, I tested it on the block with the ignition on. Fuel pump went clicky clicky. Whew. So for $0.26 I got a new terminal from the chandlery at the marina and put it back on the block. The engine took a few minutes to start due to the cold, but she fired up just fine and ran like a dream.
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