Ahhhhh, battery... How I despise thee.
More fun maintenance work this week. Yet another three winches cleaned and rebuilt. Always exciting since there are four coach-top winches--- all different. There's a 21, a self tailing 21, a self tailing 17, and a 22. I guess I must have a thing for puzzles. But, this week finished the coach-top winches, just the cockpit winches to go.
I also did some battery work this week and discovered that none of the marinas have ever done battery maintenance during winterization and spring commissioning. Jerks. So I checked levels in the batteries (I know, I should do this more often... but I don't) and they were VERY low. Did I mention they were low. Well, let's just say they were low. So I topped them off. Then it was time to add a battery to the house bank. I took the starting battery out and linked it to the house battery (both same battery and age). Then I installed a dual-purpose that we have as a spare to be the starter. Everything is charging as I write this.
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