So if you are looking for a set of light air tapered spin sheets, or a new halyard to replace that spin halyard that is all moldy and stiff, or want a new set of jib sheets, let me know.
This site is dedicated to the Sailing Vessel "Sequoia" based out of Solomons Island,MD. She's a 1988 Ericson 38-200.
We've been pretty lucky as far as the hurricane stuff goes for the past couple of years. We had survived Isabel with no damage several years ago after getting some really good advice about how to tie up a boat for a hurricane (thanks D!).
Ernesto is approaching as we speak (we're currently getting the first couple of serious bands through). We tied up the boat for up to about 50mph winds last night. I don't think we'll see anything more than that, and the surge shouldn't be too bad (although we did re-tie with it in mind). Should be an entertaining day/evening. We're supposed to race in Annapolis Race Week starting tomorrow... but the Benneteau is putting off until Sunday due to the conditions for the delivery up there. Assuming we survive without damage, I'll have a discussion about tie-ing up for a hurricane next week.