Sequoia Log:27 May- Depart Onancock headed to Tangier Island. NW winds ended up on the nose most of the day. Sequoia and MI decided to try Reedville, VA instead. Close reach single fetch across the bay. Anchored on east side of Reedville peninsula. 35 nautical miles.The anchoring options at Tangier Island were not appealing and the group decided to make a try for the marina at the island. The cruising guide gave depths of 5 ft at mean low tide, so Sequoia and Motu Iti (both draw 5'6") decided to push on to Reedville back on the western shore instead. We had a nice fetch across the bay and got in anchored and rafted with Motu Iti before dark. A little grilling and life was grand. The three other boats in the group reported a great time at Tangier. Headed for home tomorrow.Photo is of part of the Reedville commercial fishing fleet.
Sequoia Log: 26 May- Depart Cape Charles headed to Onancock. S winds 18-20 on the way out the channel, seas 2-4 feet. Winds made for more downwind run, which was unpleasant when thousands of flies swarmed the boat. Storm cell passed over on the way in to Onancock. 37 nautical miles.Well, if we weren't impressed with being in Cape Charles as we spent the night- the flies as we left made it a sure thing we'd never go back. We were infested on the hull of the boat. They were everywhere. We destroyed a fly swatter as we killed hundreds of the little beasts. We called ahead to some friends meeting us in Onancock to get fly paper and fly swatters. Too bad, it would have been a great warm, sunny day otherwise. Onancock was nice. Cute little town, nice resteraunts, etc... Several of us had breakfast as a group at the spanish place in town, it was great. On to Tangier tomorrow...
Sequoia Log:
25 May- Depart Put In Creek headed for Cape Charles, VA. S winds all day starting 12-15 kts, then building to 15-20 kts upon approach. Anchorage in cruising guide is now a marina. Dragged anchor in the harbor due to sandy bottom. Used marina instead. Marina full of fishing/crabbing vessels and slip queens. 21 nautical miles.Another fun day of sailing... We had a great time on a close reach across the Chesapeake. We had been to Cape Charles before by car- cute little town. We will never return by boat... The anchorage that was listed in the cruising guide is now a marina-- and anchoring in the main harbor is not a great idea either with the sandy bottom, the concrete factory across the way, and the train barges going in and out. So we stayed at the marina, which was full of working boats that stunk and kept pumping diesel into the water from their quickly filling bilges and slip queens that had marine sanctuaries growing on them. Cape Charles gets the big red "X" in the log.Photo is of the train barge on it's way out as we were coming in.