The annual Sequoia Holiday Party was a smashing success! We had a total of 25 crew and friends of the boat. In lieu of gifts this year, we asked that our guests bring a donation for the local food bank or the local animal shelter... Our generous sailor friends brought several large bags and boxes of food and gift card donations for the food bank, and they also brought a great deal of food, treats and $120 in donations for the local annimal shelter. Way to go crew!
In good sailor fashion, we went through a couple of cases of beer, a couple of bottles of wine, and some booze - including drinking 1.5 bottles of Mount Gay Rum (http://www.mountgay.com). Again - Way to go crew!
Great fun was had by all, help was donated for our neighbors and animal friends who need a helping hand this season, and we're ready to start planning for the big Chesapeake Bay Ten Day Cruise 2006.
The photo is of the luminaria lighting the way for our guests to walk down the driveway...
Sequoia wishes you and yours a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!